Wednesday 21 November 2012

Week 2 | Creative Writing Part 1

Week 2  |  Creative Writing Part 1

Today we will talk about:

  1. What is creative writing
  2. How do I learn about creative writing
  3. What are some writing styles and genres
  4. Watch and discuss a video about creative writing
  5. Write a description of the your joinery to the class today

Here is the video we are going to watch today.

What do you think?

What's the best idea you can use from this video?

Are there any bits you disagree with?

Task 1

Write 100 words about your journey to the class today. INclude things you saw, things you felt, things that are perhaps surprising. Then, after 20 minutes, talk to the person next to you about what you wrote. Ask each other some questions about the writing.

We will talk about this as a class today.